Be Concerned with the Needs of Other
Compassion and empathy are at the heart of Feed My City’s values as we want to address the needs of individuals and families facing food insecurity. Being concerned with the needs of other means being adaptable in the face of changing circumstances. Where possible, we aim to be agile in adjusting our services to address emerging needs and supporting those facing hardships. To meet the needs of others, we maintain open lines of communication with the community we serve by actively seeking feedback from users and engaging in dialogue with individuals, families and other organisations. Rooted in this value is the importance of working together and making partnerships to support as many people as possible. This cohesion and collaborative approach allows for a more holistic response to the multifaceted challenges of food insecurity, and is integral to effectively addressing the needs of others.
Be considerate, polite, courteous, and respectful to all at all times
Everyone at Feed My City recognises that many of our users have many challenges in their lives, we embody a welcoming, courteous and respectful atmosphere which fosters a sense of dignity and reduces any potential stigmatism associated with seeking assistance. Our values ensure we actively listen to those we help, offering support without judgement and maintaining a compassionate demeanour. These values also extend to interactions among volunteers. A culture of respect, politeness, and understanding is integral to the relationships between our volunteers and fosters teamwork and collaboration.
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Work with local authorities, communities, similar organisations and comply with all legal and statutory regulations
Feed My City is passionate about the value of working together to help those in need and will enable us to provide a better service to more people. This collaborative approach ensures there’s an alignment with broader community development goals and increases our capacity to address food insecurity effectively. We strongly believe that by working together and sharing resources, the needs of others will be met efficiently and effectively. Adhering to legal regulations is of paramount importance to us. This includes compliances with food safety, storage, and distribution standards. As a non-profit organisation, strive to comply with governance and reporting requirements, including financial operations and ethical practices.
Offer no judgement
This final value is extremely important to us and a crucial principle of Feed My City. Offering no judgement is rooted in the belief that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. We believe we should help anyone who asks without placing our own judgement on their situation. Offering no judgement involves acknowledging and understanding the diverse circumstances of the individuals and families we help. This includes being sensitive to cultural differences, varying family structures and unique challenges faced by different individuals. Our non-judgemental approach also extends to our openness to feedback and adapting services based on needs.